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PSSA 2024 Year In Review and Beyond

Happy Holidays to all the PSSA shooters, friends and families.

This has been quite a year.

Thanks to the generous donors of Project 24, we were able to purchase and install metal springs in all of our traps, purchase most of the much needed BRB Voice call systems and materials to build some gun racks. The gun racks will start showing up in the spring.

The Target Setting Committee took on the arduous task of going over every trap in detail to achieve the best target presentation possible at our facility.

Research and investigation have begun on best ways to improve the electric situation in the lower campground. It is a major task, so please bear with us. The campground electric was not designed for the electric draw of today’s modern RV’s. We are also looking into ways to reduce electric usage by installing more efficient LED lights in the Clubhouse.

5 Stand and ZZ Bird did not go as well as we hoped, but there was certainly a lot of talk and buzz about it. We are continuing to work with them to see how else they could serve our shooting community.

At the PA Grand this past year, we held a BBQ and fun get together evening. The response was better than we could have hoped for. Look for another one this year!

Any of you who have been at PSSA recently, may have noticed a room under construction next to the Classification Office. This room is being built for Krieghoff so they can have a gunsmith working there during the State Shoot. Donations to help pay for the room will be graciously accepted. Demo gunswill also be available. The Krieghoff Challenge has also been extended for another XXX years. Thanks to Dieter and Betty Krieghoff and Krieghoff International for their continued support of the PSSA!

A few things for the coming year to keep an eye out for.

We have another golf cart generously provided by EZGO for cost. The cart will be similar to the ones in years past. There will be an option and tickets available during the 2025 shoots until the drawing.

We have another annual raffle already started. At the request of you shooters, we have gone back to a money raffle. Tickets are $10/ea, 3 for $20 and 15 for $100. Please contact an EC Member, Steve Ross or Steve Miller for Tickets. The Drawing will be June 14, 2025.

Thanks to the generosity of Stu Printz, we are doing what we’re calling 2K Monday. $2000 winner take all 2 number draw (like the Challenge) for shooting the 2 handicap events on Monday of the State Shoot. More details on this event to follow. Keep an eye out for more information.

John Hanahoe has generously donated 10 flats of shells to the first person to break 100 Handicap at a regular PSSA shoot. There will be a $2 option available when you sign up. Stay tuned for more details.

For 2025, the Eastern Zone decided to go Telephonic with our friends above the 47th Parallel. It is believed that more Canadians will shoot the Eastern Zone and thereby increase our All-American Team Points Factor. The logistics are still being worked out, but we know the Canadian club will be Hamilton, Ontario. We are hopeful we can pull this off without a hitch.

Pre-squadding will now be with Pre


The Board of the Hall of Fame would like to Congratulate Everyone who has made the team!!

Welcome to the new PSSA website!

PSSA Executive Committee introduces our new website


2025 PSSA Shoot Schedule Updates:

Due to shooter interest and positive responses from club delegates and their members, we will be moving the Westy Hogans event into September 2025.  This will be on a one year trial basis as it will require volunteer help for scoring and loading, especially on Friday and Saturday.  The August date will remain and will now be the PSSA Summer Championships.  More details will be coming as we get closer to the shooting season, however, please consider scoring a few squads or loading a trap or two during the Westy Hogans.

We look forward to seeing you in 2025!




In August of 2023 the PSSA Executive Committee launched Project 24, a fundraising campaign that was created to specifically address critical needs at our homegrounds. Our goal was to raise enough money to install upgraded springs on all the trap houses, replace the aging microphones and control boxes, and build new gun racks. Within the first few days, many of you had made contributions and many more gave throughout the year.

While we may not have reached the ambitious goal we set, we have been able to raise the funds needed to complete many of these tasks. Because of your generosity, all springs have been installed and most of the new microphones and control boxes have been purchased. After some delays, we are currently in the process of building new racks for each house on the line.

Since kicking things off at the 2023 Westy Hogans, 36 donors have helped us raise $48,430. All of which was used for these specific projects.  As we approach the end of the year, there are still a few more sets of microphones that need to be purchased and we could use your help in reaching that goal. If you haven’t had the chance to give, or would like to make an additional gift, please contact Steve Ross at

The EC would like to thank everyone who generously gave to Project 24. We appreciate your commitment to making our facility one of the finest in the country.

Project ‘24

Become a Project ‘24 Sponsor!

Help us meet our goal to have new springs in place of the rubber bands on all 53 traps by the Keystone Open

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405 Monastery Rd, Elysburg, PA 17824      (570) 672-9747

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